My daughter and I were set to motorcycle across southern Spain for the summer and then COVID hit. Stuck within our own borders, and very much in adventure mode, we needed something to do. We decided to rent a car and take a road trip to the Outer Banks and spend some time roaming North Carolina beaches in the midst of a quarantine. Armed with masks, hand sanitizer and rolls of toilet paper (just in case) we got underway.
Along the way we talked about how many clothes we brought with us and got pretty deep on the idea that clothes should be more versatile. I personally had 5 pairs of shorts with me. A pair for running, a pair for swimming, a pair for surfing, a pair for hanging out. We were intrigued by a sport called pickelball… so another pair for that (whatever it was). That’s when we came up with the core idea for Worn. A single pair of shorts that could be used across many activities. And clothing should last a long time and collect memories each year as they accompany you on adventures.
Soon after returning from our road trip, I learned that the company I was working for was under going layoffs. As I drove back from handing over my MacBook Pro to my previous employer, the name Worn came to me. I got home and asked my daughter what she thought. She said, “Yeah that’s cool.” And added, “Worn, to be worn”.
Now we had an idea with a name. I had a lot of time, no steady income and an opportunity to build something with my daughter. A perfect storm to do something really cool.
Using my daughter’s 10 year old HP desktop and a freshly wiped an external hard drive, we got to work.